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Can You Create High Performing Teams If Everyone Is Working Remotely?

For many managers the reality of managing a disparate group of people, who are used to working in close proximity but now work remotely, has been a challenge. A fine line to walk between micro managing on the one hand and leaving people to their own (electronic) devices on the other.

In this blog we look at three areas that can help managers confidently meeting the challenge ahead in the coming weeks and months.

Often managers will think of how they can create a High Performing Team at work. In his article 'How to create a high‑performing remote team' Greg Orme, 'No matter the size of your team, you want to ensure you’re performing as well as you can. In fact, the smaller your team, the more important this is....'

Read the Greg's article here ..

In her article 'How to have difficult conversations remotely?' Sarah Rozenthuler highlights that 'The ability to have difficult conversations with your colleagues is one of the less pleasant parts of being a boss - but it's a crucially important one. Here's how to do it when you can't be face to face ..'

Read the Sarah's article here ..

When navigating those difficult workplace conversations, why not check out my new book, written with Ken Cameron.

"Sometimes conversations suck, but you need to have them, and this book lays out how. Russell and Ken have put together and road-tested simple, up-front, and thoughtful approaches to awkward and difficult workplace conversations."

Andrew Phung, CBC's Kim's Convenience

You can now order copies of my upcoming book here.

Finally, the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) has developed a set of resources for managers, ' Our new suite of practical resources will help managers to reflect on and develop their management capability, allowing them to build their confidence and support both their own wellbeing and that of their team, leading to better results for them and the organization.’

I hope you found these CIPD resources useful as you continue your leadership journey, don't forget that here at Bluegem Learning we are always here to assist you.

Well that's it for this week. I hope you enjoyed the blog and I'll be back next week with more, until then ... be a leader not just a boss!

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