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The importance of having candid dialogue to improve individual and team performance.

Hi there, Russell Stratton, President and Leadership Champion with Bluegem Learning. I work with organizations just like yours to help managers improve staff engagement and increase individual and team performance.

In previous vlogs I talked about Transparency and Trust, the third value I wanted to discuss is Candid Dialogue.

As I was saying in the previous vlog one of the things that I always felt was important

when managing my own teams is to make sure that I was as honest with people as I could be. That I was open with them and if necessary, we would have those difficult conversations and that cuts both ways not just me having a conversation with them, but equally there may be something that they need to tell me and that we would have that conversation.

If I was transparent in my dealings with people and I had built trust with them over time, the candid dialogue was not going to break their motivation, break the team spirit that we had, but would actually strengthen it.

My understanding around that need for Candid Dialogue goes back many years ago when I was a fairly junior staff member working for the UK Custom Service. At the time I was seconded to one of the Investigation Teams for a short period of time, that was led by a guy who I'll call Mo. The story that I tell in the video demonstrates the importance of having candid dialogue to improve individual and team performance.

Well that's it for this week. I hope you enjoyed the blog and I'll be back next week with more, until then ... be a leader not just a boss!

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