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What The F*&% Is Going To Happen Next? Future Forecasting in Difficult Times - Top Stories #6

The Canadian Science Fiction writer William Gibson wrote in The Economist “The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed.” Forecasters around the world heed his advice and look for pockets of weak signals that are poised to blossom into massive disruptions. COVID-19 is a case in point. In December it was a minor outbreak in a single province of China. Four months later here you are, contemplating another three months working from home because you can’t leave your house. You’re probably wondering 'What the F*&% is going to happen next?'

In the collections of articles this week, I'll be sharing thoughts on the future from SHRM, Canadian HR Reporter and a short series of vlogs from my colleague Ken Cameron at Corporate CultureSHIFT.

First up an article from SHRM, The future of work in manufacturing. What will jobs look like in the digital era? Click on the image below to read more ....

Secondly, an article from Canadian HR Reporter, Economic Transformation Before Our Eyes. Click on the image below to read more ....

How does the future look to you? Click the link to join Ken and I for our Lunch n Learn What the F*&% is going to happen next? on May 19, to practice future forecasting for your own organization using our Future Is Coming card deck.

And finally, a series of short vlogs from Ken Cameron, where he discusses the concepts of future forecasting for business ....

The Future is already here ...

Birds, Robins & Cuckoos ...

A Monkey, a Fox and a Hedgehog walk into a bar ....

Don't forget to click the link to join Ken and I for our Lunch n Learn What the F*&% is going to happen next?on May 19, to practice future forecasting for your own organization using our Future Is Coming card deck.

Well that's it for this week. I hope you enjoyed these articles and resources and I'll be back next week with more, until then ... be a leader not just a boss!

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